Revernite – Interview

Country: Danmark

Genre: Melodic Heavy Metal 

Interview with: Revernite

Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher

Hails Revernite, how are you doing?

We are doing great these days. We are starting to get some recognition and we are getting airtime here and there, so everything is fine.

Your new self-titled EP ” Edge 39 ” has become a hell of an EP. How long did it take to write it and were some other people than the band involved in some songs?

The EP consists of 5 songs where 3 of them were written in between 2019-2021, the other two songs are from 2022-2023. We recorded the whole thing from August 2023- February 2024. Bear in mind that we all have full time jobs beside the band. And we recorded our debut ep in 2022 and it contained new songs as well as songs from 2019-2021. We did use Stefan Dujardin for keyboards on “when all drowns in hate”, he is normally playing the keyboard in Vanir (a great Viking death metal band). And our producer and friend Thomas “pedro” Pedersen the guitarist of Wasted (another great heavy metal band from DK) did some of the backing vocals on “Edge 39” and “When all drowns in hate”.

Musically you go back to the mid-90s, especially the Danish scene. Which impact had the bands from these days onto you?

A huge influence. Bands like Artillery Furious Trauma, Konkhra and Invocator and softer metal from this period of time like Jakyl and Timeless Hall, did a tremendous impact on all of us in the band.

Which albums from that era are absolutely essential to possess?

“By inheritance” by Artillery is a masterpiece beyond any doubt. “Dying to live” by Invocator.

What do each of the members add to the songwriting / arrangement of Revernite songs?

Everybody is contributing to the writing of a song. Often Christian will come up with a draft, and some overall idea to a song. Then the other members join in and the whole puzzle starts to take form. Sometimes songs are almost completed but then undergo another “makeover” before unitedly accepted.

Do you have plans to release new music any time soon?

Yes, we are in a constantly process of making new songs all the time. So we are definitely not low on new songs. But the process of recording and finding the time is very demanding. So if things run smooth, we (hopefully)will enter a studio in 2025.

When you engage in songwriting, is it more of a stream of consciousness, or do you have a specific end goal and sound in mind?

Very often an idea is born either at home practicing on the guitar or in the rehearsal room or even after a good night sleep. Actually, some songs have been “dreamt alive”. in rare occasions songs have been made because of what we have seen on tv, read a book, or just experienced in real life.

What other goals do you have for Revernite in 2024?

We are doing a music competition these days and we have reached the finals where we have to fight it off with 12 other bands at a concert hall inside of Copenhagen. And play a few gigs here and there in Denmark. Maybe if we get time for it, we will make a Christmas heavy metal song and a video for it. For now, the song is partly done and recorded. So, if we are in time, we will release it this autumn/winter. It will be great fun we assure you.

Do you have a strong local scene in Copenhagen, Hovedstaden? Are there any local bands which you highly recommend?

Yes, a good and healthy scene. Death metal bands seem to be in abundance here so here are a few names for you. MeaCulpa, Fatal image, Infirmirties, Vanir, Snækes, and bands who Play more in thrash metal genre we’ve got 3XB, Demolizer. Tidestone, Impalers etc. And of course, “Wasted” our friends🤘.

Any future gigs?

Yeah, this Saturday we are in the finals of this music competition in Copenhagen (15/6). And then a few smaller venues this fall.

Thank you for the time to do the interview. Feel free to add anything additionally which you would like to say!

We just hope that when you listen to our Music you can appreciate that we’ve Got a clean barytone male singing voice, and the music is a big mixture of many heavy metal genres. And you appreciate some good and very deep-felt lyrics. That’s it for now, Cheers.

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