Sacred Groove – Interview –


Hello, What’s up ? Welcome to Acier Doux , Can you introduce the band to the readers ?

Hello to all the readers of Acier Doux ! We are the female fronted Metal Band SACRED GROOVE from Germany . Alona – Vocals , Dennis – Guitars , Basti – Bass , Wolfgang – Keys and me Stefan on Drums. The band has played lots of national shows and festivals and successfully participated in various independent band competitions. SACRED GROOVE was nominated for the German Rock and Pop Price 2010 and performed in the final of the worldwide Emergenza Festival 2011 as well asUnderground Band Contest Unbaco2013.So far we have released two albums and we are currently working on our third album !

What was the ambitions of the band when you started ?

When Dennis and I founded the band in the early 90s, we wanted to create a band that has a recognition value that has its own style. In our music we wanted to incorporate personal musical influences and preferences. But of course we also wanted to have a lot of fun and experience a lot !

We never wanted to be a garage band, who just plays for itself or some close friends. We had and , we still have the ambition to share our music with others during . our gigs and really love being on stage. This is definitely our ambition to play live gigs !

How do you personally describe the music of Sacred Groove ? Do you have special words to tease the hears of wandering metallers ? Perhaps you have a special slogan to spell before every gigs ?

Our music is very passionate and inspiring. With our lyrics we want to spread good vibes and hope. We want our listeners to think about their place in this world, about their purpose. Our music is essential for our lives. It’s just like in our song “Sacred Groove” from our recent album “The Other side” , What’s the source, the reason of my inspiration? It’s divine invention, I don’t need a proof. There’s no special slogan we spell… usually we just come close together and scream: “We are Sacred Groove”!

I was familiar with your two albums , the “Needful Things” CD from 2011 and “The Other Side” CD from 2015. While your music remains rooted in old school Gothic Metal, it seems your new songs have a more necro feeling, something a bit more filthy… Do you agree and how do you explain this evolution ? Is it about the coming of this world’s demise ?

I believe „ the other side“ shows a clear advancement of the band without losing our style! Of course, our singer Alona also contributed with her charismatic voice! Some things have changed since “Needful Things”. As we started the work on the new album (“The Other Side”) our previous singer left the band and we found Alona, who brought her own ideas, first of all regarding the lyrics of the songs and vocal melodies that were not ready. Few months after that our keyboarder Juppi has died in a tragic car accident, which was a hard stroke for all of us and we couldn’t work further first.We wouldn’t describe “The Other Side” as filthier or more “necro” as “Needful Things”. Alona wanted to make some choirs in the songs which may sound more gothic at some points (e.g. “Lost in Paradise”). And of course as musicians we react to what happens in the world. Our music is the wonderful way
to share our thoughts and feelings.

Imagine that some readers didn’t listen Sacred Groove yet, can you describe your music to them or say some bands that plays similar music ?

Some readers do not know Sacred Groove? That´s impossible! I would describe our music as melodic metal with rock influences. To compare with other bands I find difficult. In some reviews, we are compared to bands like Evanescence, Nightwish, Within Temptation etc. But it is best if everyone makes an impression of our music !

The songs are plain and simple in their structure, but the whole outcome is really powerful and melodic . What is the procedure you follow when you write new songs and what bands would you think have influenced you as a band?

Thanks a lot. That’s actually what we want to achieve: Simple songs can reach and touch many people, not only the truly metalheads. Still we’re loyal to our music genre and we all love Metal. Depending on the song, our working procedure is different. For example our guitarist Dennis often brings the songs which are almost ready, so we can work all together on the details. Sometimes a song starts with a riff and then we first make the instrumental parts and then write a text. Each one of us tries to get involved. I always find it fascinating how much a song develops and changed until the idea become a SACRED GROOVE-Song! That´s what makes “making music” for me, be creative !

From the music to the artwork it is pretty obvious that Sacred Groove is all about space and earth . Is this what you are like in your private lives ? Or you like modern stuff as well ?

As far as the artwork of „The other side“ is concerned, I must confess, this has made a well-known german agency ! The idea for the layout came however from Dennis. We found the angle of view from the moon to earth and not vice versa very interesting ! To show „the other side“ ! I personally find the universe very fascinating and I like to look at documantations with this topic. But I also like a lot of other things too !

You are probably talking first of all of the artwork to “The Other Side”? In this case we wanted to show something really global – our earth and some other planet “on the other side”. Our music is the light which is waiting for you to see or better to hear it ! We are absolutely free for also modern ideas and artworks. What we think would fit us less is some medieval atmosphere, which is suitable for e.g. power metal… But who knows, we like experiments .

What does Metal mean for you ? Do you like other kinds of music than ” Melodic Metal ” or do you hardly open your ears to anything much different ?

I like a lot of musical directions and I am open for everything ! From classical music to Death Metal, I listen to almost everything !

We all have different musical origins and our music taste is not limited by melodic metal or Metal at all. We also like some ‘lighter’ rock, for example I love the music of Queen. Stefan and Basti also listen to some harder stuff .

I see that Sacred Groove is unsigned label band , why ?

That´s a good question! We Have not found a suitable label yet ! But we are looking for a label with which we can work together in the future !

Are you preparing a new album ? Can you tell me about the new Album ?

Right now we are writing new songs for our next album! It is still too early to say anything about it, but one brand new song is called , ” The Journey to Hell and back ” and maybe that would be a good title for the new album !?

“The Other Side” turns already two years old this year and at the moment we are working on the new songs. We have three songs which are ready and were already played at the last gigs. For example one of the songs is called “The Journey to Hell and Back” and you can find some live videos of that song on Youtube. And we still have more songs to work on. There is no specific concept, like the title or artwork, for the new album yet. But still we plan to release it 2018 and we hope that the new songs and the new album will also receive positive feedback from all around the world !

This interview has reached the last flagstones of the graven path, tell us morbid readers about your forthcoming projects and feel free to conclude in metallic avulsion !

First of all thanks for having us here , Our next projects are working on new songs, making a fine Metal album and one or two music videos, continuing applying for festivals and searching for a label or eventually band management. And of course playing gigs, gigs, gigs ! We wish you guys all the best, listen to some good music, check out Sacred Groove ( and rock on!
Stefan: Many thanks for this interview and the opportunity to present our band SACRED GROOVE to the readers of Acier Doux! We hope to rock the world with our new songs ! See ya on the other side !

Interviewer : Speedskullcrusher

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