Category: Interviews


Morbid Cross – Interview

Country: USA Genre: Thrash Metal  Interview with: Zach Marcus Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello, welcome to Acier Doux , what’s up? Can you write an introduction to the band? Hi I’m Zach Marcus of Morbid Cross...


Riffobia – Interview

Country: Greece Genre: Thrash Metal  Interview with: Riffobia Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello , please give a short history of Riffobia’s formation, and how the current lineup came together. Hello. Riffobia were formed back in 2004...


Feline Melinda – Interview

Country: Italy Genre: Melodic Heavy Metal  Interview with: Rob Irbiz & Chris Platzer Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello Feline Melinda! Please do an introduction to your formation, its goals and past achievements! Rob Irbiz: vocalist and...


Orage – Interview

Country: Germany Genre: Heavy Metal  Interview with: Orage Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello and welcome to the Acier Doux World , Can you introduce the band in a few lines? When was it created? Who are...


Revernite – Interview

Country: Danmark Genre: Melodic Heavy Metal  Interview with: Revernite Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hails Revernite, how are you doing? We are doing great these days. We are starting to get some recognition and we are getting...


Just One Fix – Interview

Country: New Zealand Genre: Thrash Metal  Interview with: Just One Fix Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello, and welcome to Acier Doux , what can you say to the readers, to let them know about the current...


Hellbutcher – Interview

Country: Sweden Genre: Black / Thrash Metal  Interview with: Necrophiliac  Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello, what’s up? Can you write an introduction to the band? Hailing from the depths of Sweden, Hellbutcher is a malevolent force...


Darkness – Interview

Country: Germany Genre: Thrash Metal  Interview with: Darkness Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello and welcome to Acier Doux. For those morons who don’t know Darkness yet, can you summarize your history as a band until “Blood...


Electirkeel – Interview

Country: Spain Genre: Thrash Metal / Crossover  Interview with: Electirkeel Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Hello! Welcome to Acier Doux . How is the situation? What’s new in the world of Electrikeel ? Greetings! Thanks a lot...


Wings Of Steel – Interview

Country: USA Genre: Heavy Metal Interview with: Wings Of Steel Interviewer: Speedskullcrusher Welcome to Acier Doux Metalzine. Tell us a few things about Wings Of Steel (Members, Starting Year etc). Thanks for having us!...