First of all I’d like you to fill us in on what’s happening in the Sever the Wicked camp at the moment ?John : Currently we are in the writing and recording of our future album while still playing shows representing the gma.
Please point out the most important moments and experiences you’ve had with the band thus far, be them good or bad. What made you form a band of your own ?
John : What was your driving force and which were your influences?The most important moments for me is always playing live that’s what keeps me in this and writing and playing original music.we formed sever the wicked for the enjoyment and to express our love for metal . Each one of us in this band have very different tastes and influences in music from thrash To to country music being from West Virginia you are subjected to many variations of music and you learn to appreciate it all.Can you present “ Sever the Wicked ” to our readers in a few words? Give them reasons to check your work out. What will they find in it?
John : you can find our music on reverbnation if your into straight up aggressive metal with catchy melodic guitar than give us a listenWhich are the elements you are most proud of in your music and which are the things you think you need to work more on ?
John : Being musicians we are alway critical of our own songs but the elements I like about us is our catchy choruses and dynamics we add to the songs. We aren’t overly technical but we keep it interesting I think.the thing I want to work on more with our music would have to be more vocal harmonies etc.Why do you think you stand out from most Heavy metal bands out there? What do you believe you can offer to the metal scene ?
John : thats a tough question to answer being that there’s so many great bands that have so much talent .but if you like heavy riffs with catchy melodies and choruses then we’re your band .What kind of procedure do you follow when you compose songs ? Do you have to be in a certain state of mind in order to perform the songs as you want ?John : When we write songs it starts usually with a verse riff that we build around we add a bridge and choruse your lead guitar riffs etc until we form it into a decent song structure then we add the lyrics and guitar melodies and then we fine tune it and tweet it until we are satisfied
Which song or songs do you think are the most ideal to represent your music’s essence ?
John : we have a few songs that people love that seems to represent us the song the storm has a great response from fans , my decent is another great song. But the new material we are currently writing really represent s a darker side and indicates where we are heading musically.Which are your sources of inspiration when it comes to the lyrics? Which are the main topics you deal with?John : Our lyrics deal with everything from drug abuse and depression to bullying issues.
Have you got any plans for live shows ? How easy is it for you to play your songs live ? Do you have to be in a certain place of mind in order to create the right atmosphere and feeling ?
John : we are currently playing live shows and playing the songs live are fun and sometimes challenging we get our energy from the crowd and the better the crowds are the better our songs come across musically.Have you made any video clips ? With YouTube I think videos have started becoming a necessity for bands again. How helpful is the Internet ?
John : Theres a lot of YouTube footage of us out there and there’s plans to shoot a video soon.Do you think that the contemporary metal scene has a place for record labels ? I mean more and more bands do everything on their own and more and more labels don’t support the bands or pay them any money… What’s your view on this phenomenon ?
John : Labels don’t seem to push and support bands like they should there’s no tour support from them which makes a bands survival hard. Everybody now self records and pushes there music there selves.How are things in the underground USA metal scene ? How difficult is it for a band to stand out not only here, but also become famous abroad too ?
John : Its very hard to stand out in the metal scene there’s so many bands in the underground scene the competition is fierce and it seems there isn’t enough venues that support metal.
Tell me about GMA Support , what do you think about Acier Doux ?
John : since we’ve been a sponsored gma band it’s been nothing but a positive and great experience it’s opened up some new possibilities and I couldn’t be happier. Acier doux is all about supporting metal and giving unsigned bands support and a outlet for them to be heard I have the upmost respect for them and hope to work with them in the futureThank you ! Is there anything else you’d like to add ?
John : Thanks to anyone who’s supported sever the wicked these past 4 years stick around it’s gonna even more brutal .
Interviewer : SpeedSkullsCrusher
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