Hello! For those who were not familiar with Metaluria, could you write a bit of the history of Speed ​​Metal ? What was the band about? And when ?
Dario : Hello to all readers. The speed metal that we conceive is simply Heavy Metal at high speeds, without complications. The ideal of metaluria is to revive the essence of Speed ​​Metal of the 80’s of bands like Agent Steel  Running Wild, Razor, Muro of Spain .
To release your music on your own, was it a conscious choice to avoid the commercial side of things and keep control over everything ? Was not it too hard and too long to do ? Or maybe the underground forces were making things easier ?
Dario : Â Although our album ‘Forces in the night’ went by the label Pacheco Records we always manage independently. We are our own manager and we play when we want or we can. Obviously the road was hard and we have many years in the Under and for now we continue in that circuit.Â
Metaluria’s music was always fast, fast, quick and shaky, or almost always. Was your goal to be as extreme as possible? If the band had appeared a few years later, do you think you could have used blastbeats so extensively?
Dario : Â Since I have memory we only play fast but we are also fans of half time songs to the best style Judas Priest or Accept and if you heard the disc you will find two songs that are that style.
Could we expect anything from the band in the future ?Â
Dario :Â Totally, in fact in 2017 we are going to release an ep with 4 or 5 new songs and the English version of the song ‘Heavy Metal’.
So far, what kind of reviews does your last album ” Fuerzas En La Noche” receive ? What is the best comment you have received?Â
Dario : The truth is that we are very surprised of all the good reviews we had from national and international magazines and webzines. For now we do not receive any bad and at this moment the only comment that I remember is that they emphasized that the Metaluria Speed ​​Metal is fast and without turns, straight to the bone.
Do you have a new album ? How long did it take for you to compose and produce ?Â
Dario :Â Forces at night is our first full-length and it took us a little over a year to produce it from scratch. We usually compose individually and in trials we bring all new ideas.Â
What kind of procedure do you follow when composing songs ? Do you have to be in a state of mind to be able to perform the songs you want ?Â
Dario : Â Like I said before we take the new ideas to the studio and there we put the songs together. It always depends on the mood to compose some lyrics or music.Â
I would like us to talk a little about your relases, what were the difficulties that you had to face during the process of composition and production ? Are you totally satisfied with this All ?Â
Dario : Â Â During the process we found some imperfections when running each instrument, that delayed the recording of the disc but in the end we got what we wanted although we were left wanting to add some arrangements haha .
What bands and /or musicians at a younger age influenced their style of play? Â
 Dario :  The most influential bands are Judas priest, Agent Steel, Running Wild, Exciter, Bloke (arg), V8 (arg), Muro .
Are you on tour ?Â
 Dario : If we play in our country, possibly this year we travel to Brazil and Paraguay. Thank you for taking the time to interview us here at Acier Doux Metal Management and Promotions Tunisia. We are so glad we had the chance to talk to you !
Interviewer : Med Manef SlamaÂ
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