Hello . Thank you for your time, it’s good to have interview with you.
What is the Necromancer’s current status ? What motivated you to form the band ?Â
 Arthur :  We’re hardly writing music to finally record our first Demo !
How did you choose Necromancer for the band ? Does it have a specific meaning for you ? Â
Arthur :Â Actually no, it does have not a specific meaning, we even don’t remember how we choose the name Necromancer, but here we are now.ÂHow would you describe your style ? Which were your influences then ?Â
Which are the biggest problems that a metal band has to confront when it starts ? Â What’s the next step for the band ?Â
 Arthur :  The next and first step we want to go are the release of our first Demo/EP „Awakening of the Evil Forces“. We try to release it on October 31th, but we also hope to release it earlier.Â
The biggest problem we have to confront are the rehearsals. We’re not neighbours and two of us have to travel over 1 or 2 hours. It’s harder then it sounds, but we are giving our best.Â
Do you plan to release album or maybe an EP ?
 Arthur : Of course we do! But a album is still a dream, we didn’t even finished our EP.Â
How will it sound ?Â
 Arthur : The EP will have the typical Blackspeed sound, like you know it by other Blackspeed records. We try to make it selfmade, because we ain’t got the 200 Bucks for professional recording.
Who writes the music and lyrics or is this done collaboratively ? Arthur :  Beerzerker writes the first 2 or 3 Verse and some Riffs and then it’s all collaboratively. It’s a Band, not a One-Man-Band. Nobody needs Bandleaders that do anything for you. Its boring.Â
Are there any other musical genres that interest you ?Â
 Arthur :  Well, we all like different stuff. We are all fans of Epic Heavy Metal; NwoBHM or (Japanese) Metalpunk.Â
Anything different you would like to try in the future ?
 Arthur : Maybe a sound change just like Quintessenz it did, but we’re not sure yet.
How do you think your music will progress in the future ? Arthur :  We hope the best, but you never can tell if it goes the way you want it to be. We can’t tell.Â
What are the next steps for Necromancer ?Â
 Arthur : The next steps after the EP are the first Gigs. Maybe we get the chance to play our first Gig at the Thrash ‘n Burn Event in Rostock/Germany. It would be our first gig and we try to get ready for it, so we can destroy this town. But it’s not confirmed yet and we don’t even know if we’re able to play there.Â
Thanks for your time answering my questions. I wish you all the best !
 Arthur : Thanks for the interview.
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