Hello! Even though Evil Force already released Banging on the Pentagram Album in 2016 , your band seems to be brutal in the deep underground… So it’s time to insert your name in the brains of our readers, with the help of The Speed Metal power ! In other words, introduce your music and you band in brutal way
You released 2 full lengh albums. Which were the best and worse experiences? If you could change something on one of these albums, what would it be ?
Fer : Hail! Greetings from Guaranà Inferno!!! Both experiences were good, the first one was more difficult and it took more time, since we did not have much experience in more professional recordings, there are always things that one wants to change as time passes … after listening hundreds of times … in the Ancient Spores maybe you could have made an older sound and not so clean in some things, only small details, in general we are very satisfied with the final sound, for the Banging on the Pentagram the idea was to be a production different from the previous one , Always trying to emulate the sound of old glories of thrash metal giving our touch, if we could change something .. because I think it would be nothing more than a few details.
Your second album “Banging on the Pentagram” was recently released. Can you describe it in 5 words ?Â
Fer :Â A honestly Thrash Metal mayhem !!!
Who were you thinking about when you choose the band name? In other words, who do you wish to Evil  Force ?
Fer :Â Formerly we called Witch Circle (for a Messiah’s song) when we decided to change the name and “polish” a little the sound of the band … at some point the name came up, it was suggested by drummer Evil Fist, we liked it instantly and it was …
What is the future Evil Force projects? Don’t hesitate to throw a few parts of brain between Death and Thrash Metal ?
Fer : We are thinking of releasing an EP this year, towards the last months … apart from that we have plans to play outside the country again, mixing death metal I do not think, at least for now, that we found a sound that we were looking for a long time ago, a kind of Thrash / speed with dark touches typical of South American metal.
Tell us more about the Paraguay Speed Metal and Thrash scenes! For years Paraguay was known for its Heavy metal bands, but things seem to change…?
Fer : Our scene goes back to the mid 80’s, in 85 the first metal band appeared here, it was called Rawhide and they played a thrash metal pretty good for our media, from there were appearing more groups as the years passed, pitifully Many old bands did not leave more than one Demo, talking about the last five years, the scene has grown, there are many more bands that release albums, eps, demos, working with good foreign labels, playing outside the country and having a good reputation in worldwide underground, it is good to note that in recent years have come bands that never before stepped on Paraguay, such as Omen, Possessed, Manilla Road, Onslaught .. among others.
 How does a typical Evil Force show look like?
Fer :Â A typical show here would be, a hellish heat .. cold beer … headbangers prowling the concert area … and ready for an energetic mosh as it is already traditional here … !!!
What’s the most memorable show you guys have played and where are you scheduled to hit the stage in the near future ?
Fer :Â There were many memorable concerts for us, which would remain as a great memory for us, but without a doubt the most significant so far was when we played in Santiago, Chile .. in front of crazy thrashers and sharing stage with really brutal bands, several of the Which we are followers for several years … this year we hope to return to Chile and go to other countries that we have not yet had the opportunity to visit.
How important are lyrics for the band ? Who writes them ? What kinds of themes inspire you guys to write about ?
Fer :Â Â They are very important because they give identity to the band, the main theme was always the feelings that Metal gives and what it means for us in our lives, we also play diverse subjects, like wars, witchcraft and ancestral aliens, however we do not have Many lyric on that, we use that graphic as it is a topic that we are passionate about … the lyrics are written almost entirely by the vocalist Steel Force, in some occasions have collaborated other members.
What do you think if I say that I’m the only Evil Force Fan in Tunisia or maybe in Africa Continent ?
Fer : Â That we had never imagined !! … not even remotely that someone would listen to us in that part of the world .. so far from where we are, you are a die hard metal fan without a doubt !!
Thanks for your time answering my questions. I wish you the best of luck! Please close the interview in any way you like
Fer : Â Metal is a commitment, a mission … so fight to keep higher the name of the True Metal!!!!
Best regards !!!
 Interviewer : Med Manef Slama
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