The band was formed in September 2011 as a cover band and had difficulties finding a suitable drummer until we met Ahmed Sokar and started making originals, later in 2014 Khalid Ahmed joined the band as a keyboardist.”Infernum Expectat” means “Hell Awaits” in Latin
First of all, thanks for taking the time for the interview to Acier Doux Tunisia, Before we go into this, how did the band form ?
Omar : The band was formed in 2011, it started as a cover band for kalmah and such bands, then we started writing originals. At first the band was formed by me (Omar Alaa) as a bassist, Ziad Elgendy and Hossam Elgendy as guitarists, Ahmed Sokkar as a drummer and bassem Soliman as a vocalist, Then we had some changes in the members over the past year and the current memebers are me (Bass), Hossam Elgendy and Tarek Ibrahim (guitars) , Khalid Ahmed (Keyboard) and Mostafa Alaa (Vocals), And Patrick Khalil joined our forces recently as a session drummer.
Can you tell us the sources of inspiration behind your Mystery, War themes lyrics ?
Omar :Â Our lyrics aren’t really about any of this, we mainly talk about Philosophy and psychology trying to reveal the darkest sides of the human nature.
Why you guys choose to play the Oriental Middle Eastern Melodic Death metal ?
Omar : we actually play Melodic Death metal, and we chose that genre because it’s common between the members of the band.
Which are the biggest problems that a metal band From the Middle East has to confront when it starts ?
Omar :Â Finding suitable members is really hard, also there are very few venues for metal in middle east, you don’t ge
t to perform in many concerts, the lack of support in general is the biggest problem for metal bands in the middle east.
t to perform in many concerts, the lack of support in general is the biggest problem for metal bands in the middle east.
Was it easy for you to find a line- up from the start ?
Omar :Â As I said it’s really hard to find the suitable members, it took us a long time to form the band.
How about live shows ? Tell me a little about the situation in lives gigs and Metal in Egypt. Have you participated in any major event there ?
Omar :Â Our first live show was few months ago (Metal Grinders Vol.4), it was really awesome and well organized thanks to Bahaa Elkresly (Segadoras), The fans were really supportive and we had a great time.
Metal Fans love what you are made and buy what you had maded ?
Omar :Â We only released one single and it was for free download, but the feedback was way better than what we expected, so I guess the audience are pretty satisfied with what we do so far.
Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in ? Why ?
Omar :Â We are interested in playing countries like Sweeden, Norway and Germany because there are many metalheads in these countries and the festivals are huge , it would be a great experience for the band.
How do you think your music will progress in the future?
Omar :Â I think we will be adding more elements from other genres like Progressive metal, Symphonic Metal and Black metal.
What are the next steps for  Infernum Expectat ?
Omar :Â Our next step is recording and realeasing our first album and trying to get signed to a label to distribute our music in Europe.
I think you aren’t too happy about the  Arab Metal Scene ? what do you think about that ? and if you are the strengh enough what you whould to change ?
Omar :Â No, I’m pretty happy with the progress the Arab Metal Scene has been making in the past few years, the number of metalheads is increasing and they are showing more support, more bands are coming out every year, I think we are on the right track.
Thanks for your time answering my questions. I wish you all the best. Please close the interview in any way you like…
Omar :Â I
would like to thank all our fans and everyone who supported us, stay tuned for more updates and see you in the next concert in Alexanria with Odious.
would like to thank all our fans and everyone who supported us, stay tuned for more updates and see you in the next concert in Alexanria with Odious.
Interviewer : Med Manef Slama
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