Welcome to Acier Doux ! Thanks for taking time to answer a few questionsÂ
from our end. How are things in the Monolith Cult camp ?
Bry : Great Thanks, after months of searching we have a new full time drummer, Aki. He has fit in really well and is getting up to speed with the tunes, and we have our first gig in 17 months in April.
 How would the band describe your own music to those unaware ?
Bry : Heavy Melodic Doom Metal
 Could you also shed some light on the band members and how it all began ?
Bry : Monolith Cult formed out of the ashes of a band called The Dead Resurrected, that myself (Bryan vox), Lee (Guitar) and Izak (Bass) were in. Us three have a long history of being in bands together. Lee and myself where in Khang for 5 years, Izak and Lee were in Lazarus Blackstar for a similar amount of time. Izak also plays bass in Solstice at the moment, Lee used to play guitar in Solstice in the 90s. Wayne joined a few years ago as the band wanted to expand its sound and add harmonies to the music. Aki and myself used to be in a band called End Times, Aki played bass in that band but took up drumming a few years and contacted me about giving it a go in Monolith Cult. It’s working out great.
 What are your influences ?<
Bry : Personally I love Deep Purple 70-76, all eras of Black Sabbath, Rainbow (with Dio), Dio, Scorpions, but overall we all love various kinds of Rock, Metal, Thrash, Death Metal, Power Metal etc… a wide scope of influences.
 Name five things you’ve listened to recently that you’d recommend ?
Bry : Jupiter – The History of Genesis
Hizaki – Rosario
Confessor – Unravelled
Kreator – Gods of Violence
Queensryche – Operation Mindcrime
Please tell us about your latest release ?
Bry : It’s titled ‘Gospel of Despair’ and it deals with this fucked up world and our fucked up minds. There is definitely a progression from our first album ‘Run From the Light’, much more in the way of harmonies and a lot more depth to the songs.
 How do you think your music will progress in the future?
Bry : I think it will progress with more harmonies and musicality, also we will keep elements of Doom with in the music, but will have more up-tempo aspects.
 What are the next steps for your band ?
Bry : Get this line up tight, get some gigs done and get the album released. Possibly enact the plan for making a video for the song ‘Sympathy For The Living’
 Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in ? Why ?
Bry :We are interested in playing anywhere, but I’d personally love to tour Japan.
How do people like the new material ?
Bry :Â People who have heard the couple of songs that we have put out there have been very complimentary about what they are hearing. Which is always appreciated.
 Thank you for your time and answers! I wish you all the best with spreadingÂ
the word of  Monolith Cult Good luck !
Bry :Â a lot and much appreciation for getting in touch and taking an interest in what we are doing.
Interviewer : Med Manef Slama
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