Interview with Antoine Volat
Welcome to Acier Doux Metalzine Tunisia. How are you doing ? Are you ready to answer all our questions ?Â
Hello to you I’m feeling good thank you I am ready to answer your questions .
Tell us how were your beginnings in the Heavy Metal  music’s world. What catched your attention to dedicate yourself to it ?  Did you study music in an academic or professional way, or are you self-taught ?Â
So first of all it goes back to my childhood when I was listening to AC/DC’s Let There be Rock and Scorpions’ Loverdrive it was a revelation for me with. Powerful, organic, sensual Bon Scott’s voice and that melancholy from Klaus Meine it just fascinated me and pushed me to start the work of singing. My first Metal band was a Thrash Metal band we were covering some Slayer and Megadeth. The Heavy Metal way I started with Electric Shock is during since six years now.  I’ve been studying singing for three years in an academic school but I’m learning alone now
How do you see the band’s evolution from then till now ?Â
See the band’s evolution in a beneficent way. We met the good people at the right time and we’re still evolving even if there are some hard times. This is what makes us stronger.
I’m a big fan of the two last band Releases ”We Are Electric Shock (If You Don’t  Like It Fuck Off) ” and the  ”Burn Out” EP.  How is  the way you deal with music, and your expectations of it, till the way you compose ?
Actually, Little Angus (lead guitar) composes the guitar riffs and the lyrics. Buk (rhythm guitar) suggests and brings some compromises to conclude the songs then I propose singing tunes and we agree each other with Little Angus to confirm it. Our EP « Burn Out » is something I am very proud to have done. It’s above all that we have done before.
Musically with the recording what did you guys changes ? Â What did you do different this time around ?Â
These two recordings correspond with two different periods of our band. The line-up is not the same, The guitar harmonics on « Burn Out » is extremely important and voices all have been thought differently.
Your lyrical inspirations is obviously about  Rock N’ Roll , beer and Heavy Metal , and that is obvious through your titles and your cover artwork. What is your opinion on about it ?Â
We keep a lot of Rock N’ Roll bands inspirations and what they represent : Danger, night, fighting, sex, alcohol… We talk most of the time about true stories, we don’t cheat on it. We try to be as sincere as possible.
So, what is the situation with the Heavy Metal scene in your site? Â How do you see the scene evolving over time ?Â
Where we live, in Grenoble, there are a few talented bands like Lonewolf or Sanctuaire. Everywhere in France we have some very good gig promoters like Pyrenean Metal , Anthems Of Steel, Volume Brutal, Forever Ripping Fast or Execution Publique which did perfects line-up. Personally, the young bands that most impressed me in France were Herzel, Hexecutor, Tentation  and Iron Slaught. There is a real horde of talented bands in France that deserve to be very known.
Which studio did you use for Electric Shock ?
We recorded our demo in a professional studio called « Microclimat » in Fontaine (France) and « Burn Out » EP was recorded at the home-studio of our good friend Mederock from the band Blackowl in the mountains of Saint-Joseph-De-Rivière (France).  He did a really good job we are very glad of him.
I see that you are playing in another band called Silver Wind , can you tell me more about the style and about the band ?Â
Yes , of course. It’s a Heavy Power Metal band formed in 2011. We released an EP called « Fight For Glory » in 2013 and our first album « Legion Of The Exiled » will be released in june at No Remorse Records. Our influences are mostly German Metal scene like Running Wild, Grave Digger or King Leoric. I also sing in Sacral Night a new project with members of Necrowretch, more extreme and darker project. We have an EP that will come out in may at Inferno Records.
What’s your impression of Heavy Metal fans ?Â
I noticed there are two types of Heavy Metal fans. Those who are passionate, keeping the Heavy Metal flame burning  in their hearts and those who are there just because it’s a cool music and will sell back their albums in two years then will be married with children and a house on the beach.Chose your clan. I’ve made my choice .
Do you think fans are at times unrealistic in terms of the type of sounds they want to be hearing from you all ?Â
I don’t know everybody can have his own way of music listening and it’s normal to have different expectations from people.
What do you think , if I say that I’m from the few Electric Shock fans in Tunsia or maybe the only one ?
I am very honored and I hope we could play in your country one day.
That’s about all I have for you today, unless you have any last words for your fans over at Acier doux ?Â
Stay Wild !
Interviewer : Med Manef Slama
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