Interview with Apostolos Papadimitriou
Hello, welcome to Acier Doux Metalzine Tunisia , are you ready for an interview? Which cools things happened in the camp of the bands you are playing in lately ?
In Saboter camp we’re almost done composing the second full-lenght album named ” Architects of Evil”, there is some serious progress in band’s technical abilities and we think the new album is going to be more mature than the previous album. At the same time, in the Rapture camp our 2nd album is also almost finished. The preproduction was very satisfying and we are currently busy searching for a label to release it and booking gigs.
For the new fans and Metalheads, give us a brief bio Saboter and Rapture . When did you start playing heavy Metal ? how were your early years as a bands ?
Saboter have three years of life. The band created by Nick Markoutsakis and Antonis Vailas with the purpose to play dark Heavy Metal with Thrash touches. We already have three releases, the first EP and the full-lenght “Mankind is Damned” in cd and LP format. Rapture was formed in 2013. Our influences in Rapture are mostly of the late 80s/early 90s Death/thrash scene. We have released our debut album “Crimes Against humanity” and after that our ep “Total Madness Reigns”. Both received very encouraging critics and we played all over Greece in festivals. Also we had the chance to play as a support act for bands like Sodom and Vektor.
Your new album “Mankind is Damned ” was released recently. How do you feel about it? Anxious to read the flow of reviews and to play some gigs ?
We feel very proud for our first full-lenght ” Mankind is Damned” and the flow of reviews showed us that the album has a high positive response from the global metal community. Also we are not anxious with live shows because everytime we hit the stage the crowd gets excited by our full theatrical and high energy live shows.
When you write songs , do you focus on the intensity/ energy, bizarre sounding riffs, catchy sounding parts… What do you have in mind, what’s your goal during the process of creation ?
This depends on which themes we are working on. Having as main concern to describe accurately the story of each song and putting the listener in the middle of the concept .
How long did you spend to compose and record these albums ? Is it about months or years ? Is it always easy to find a guitar part to follow this killer riff you found? . Does everything happen “live” in the rehearsal room, or do you need to record songs and take some distance to hear what’s not efficient enough ?
In both bands nothing comes at the rehearsal room. Every member takes its own time to build his song and when it is ready he presents his ideas to others, then if we all agree we begin to work it in rehearsal room.
Which words would fit your sounds the best ? Time , Death , Mankind ? Can you tell us the sources of inspiration behind your rather lyrics ?
The lyrics of Saboter dealing with h
orror stories, political thrillers and fantasy themes. On the other hand, rapture focuses in gore, psychopathy and hatred. We like revealing the dark pages of the human race through our music and lyrics.
orror stories, political thrillers and fantasy themes. On the other hand, rapture focuses in gore, psychopathy and hatred. We like revealing the dark pages of the human race through our music and lyrics.
Your music is pure Heavy Metal I think it’s a quite putridly fitting description. Which band was the biggest influence for the sickening sounds of Saboter ?
Saboter has a large field of influences, from classic Heavy Metal such as Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Helloween, Manowar, Annihilator, Metallica,Iced Earth, Metal Church, Liege Lord, Exciter e.t.c. to more extreme metal like Death, Bathory, Emperor, Dissection, Nocturnus e.t.c.
Time to talk about gigs. Any dates already scheduled for next year ? Are we going to see you across the World ? Thank you very much and congratulations for your great work. If you wish to add something, go ahead.
Regarding Saboter, on August 25th we are going to play at Trevheim metal fest in Munich, Germany. Also we have some shows over Greece on September. Regarding Rapture as soon as we release our 2nd album we will perform all over Europe. The first confirmed gig is at Dark Winter Meeting Festival on 27th of January at Malta. Thanks for the interview and for your kind words. Keep the metal faith alive.
Interviewer : Med Manef Slama
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