Letallis – A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1

Taking musical influence from OPETH, GOJIRA, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, and conceptually based around the Arabian Nights tales, A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1 is the first of three upcoming EP releases.

The band comments:

“This music has been crafted to take you along the ride of the classic literary stories that transcend time. Filled with peaks, valleys, intimate moments and aggressive passages, each song is made to take the listener along the journey.”

More on A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1:
“Merchant”: “This story begins with the listener journeying to a bazaar who encounters a mysterious merchant. The merchant entices the wanderer to read the tales that will eventually become A Thousand And One Nights.”

“A Thousand And One Nights”: “This is the first “frame” story to the ATAON. Telling the tale of a King who is betrayed by his wife. Consumed by hatred, he has her killed, and decides he will take a new, virgin wife every night. Sleeping with them for the night, and having them killed the next day to ensure he can’t be betrayed again.

After several years of killing off nearly all the women virgins in his kingdom, his head vizier’s daughter offers herself to the king. She devises a plan; telling him such intriguing stories every night, yet not entirely finishing them, so that he becomes so captivated as to spare her life the next day. This goes on repeatedly for a thousand and one nights, until finally he spares her life permanently and they marry (Ouch. Happy ending much?) Overall a tale about a brave heroin figure who gives herself over to stop a merciless King.”

“Thief”: “Thief is based around the point of view of a street thief who will stop at nothing, burn any bridge, to get what he wants. Honor below all. He eventually has an encounter with a jinni, asking him to satisfy his endless greed. Overall about a person with insatiable hunger for anything he doesn’t already possess.”

“The Vizier And The Sage”: “This story is about a king who is stricken with leprosy. A man who has everything he could want in life, except his physical appearance. One day the king is approached by a sage who says he can cure him of his disease. The King, initially trusting the sage, takes him in and grants him many treasures. The Kings vizier, a very ill intentioned manipulator, convinces the king the sage cannot be trusted.

The king eventually has the sage beheaded. But before his head is removed, he tells the king he has one last gift. After his beheading, place the sages head on a plate and he will instruct him. The king, instructed to read from a book by the now only head, flips through the pages, only to find them poisoned and is killed by the sage. The sages head proceeds to speak of how if the king hadn’t been manipulated by hate, he would still be alive. Overall a story of how many people already have all they need in life, if they only look for it. And to not be coerced by hateful opinions of others.”

Formed by Jake Calonius in New Jersey in 2006, the band released their first full-length The World Awakened, shortly after. the band soon took to the live stage opening up for bands like CANDLEMASS, DAYLIGHT DIES and POWERMAN 5000, as well as landing a spot at the NJ date of Warped Tour in 2008. Relocating to New York City in 2009, 2014 saw the release of Resonate. After joining forces with new drummer Alex Cohen (MALIGNANCY) and other members to play live, the band started gigging around NYC in 2017 and dove into the local metal scene. A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1, is the first EP in a series of three releases.

Jake Calonius (Guitar/Vocals)
Marcus Hedwig (Guitar)
Alex Cohen (Drums)

All music written/recorded/mixed and mastered by Jake Calonius in Brooklyn, NY.
Lyrics by Jake Calonius.
Artwork by Carl Ellis.
ATAON calligraphy by Muhammed Basdag.




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