Almost Dead – Destruction Is All We Know –

“This year has Bay Area thrash/groove metal band Almost Dead returning with their latest studio album ‘Destruction is All We Know’. Almost Dead are a band which know exactly how to put their listener through the meat grinder because this band is aggressive and brutal from the get-go. ‘Destruction…’ takes the Bay Area blueprint and fuses it with the brutal breakdowns of metalcore to give that groove a real stage stomping neck snapper which crushes so well in modern metal. Realistically, the band do rely on this breakdown formula a little too much here, especially for old- school thrashers and groove fans, but ‘Destruction…’ isn’t about looking back, it’s about driving forward, and it does it marvellously.” Adam McCann, Metal Digest The band has recently returned home after and exhausting yet successful European tour supporting the progressive metal stalwarts ATHEIST.

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