Band: HëiligenÂ
Release :Return to the Battle [EP]
Year: 2017
Location: Chile Â
Genre: Heavy  Metal
Label :Â UnsignedÂ
Reviewer : Med Manef Slama
Line Up
Mörder – Vocals
Hugh Der Hëiligen – Guitars
Sohn Von Kain – Bass
Jonathan Krautmann – Drums
Hugh Der Hëiligen – Guitars
Sohn Von Kain – Bass
Jonathan Krautmann – Drums
1. The Holy Path to GloryÂ
2. Return to the BattleÂ
3. The MightÂ
4. Hero’s AgonyÂ
5. Metal Empire
2. Return to the BattleÂ
3. The MightÂ
4. Hero’s AgonyÂ
5. Metal Empire
Hëiligen’s Traditional Heavy Metal present for their sophomore release, ” Return to the Battle ” EP Taking its sonic inspiration from old School Heavy Metal era with larger-than-life predecessors, the EP comes  with a fairly seamless meld of the anger of 80s-era with a more modern approach in the form of more complex drumming and new wave of Heavy Metal  influences.
This is the style that could, in an alternate reality, have been the logical culmination of mainstream Heavy Metal in the late 90s. It is all furious and high-speed, though the tunes never slow down or succumb to the weaker emotions the EPÂ is about as close as they get to some clean vocals, and even those are filled with despairing rage backed by one guitar chugging. The riffing is tight, intricate, and very aggressive, exactly the way Heavy Metal should be, but occasionally includes an eerie atmosphere in its intros that would be nice to see expanded; instead, the band usually goes straight from there to pure Heaving.
Ultimately, ‘ Return to the Battle ‘ makes for a fresh, original take on Heavy Metal , While I believe theEP was perfect candidate for the ” Surprise Of The Month ” category, at almost twenty minutes longer, Hëiligen shows that MindMaze can create a long-playing release, and at least keep this listener engaged. Â
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