Blending the elements of metal, metal and metal, Dark Messiah is your perfect soundtrack to the apocalypse. Sit back and relax as you listen to the soothing, calming, face melting, ear bleeding, ball busting rock that gently pierces your brain. Our soul cleansing sound is the perfect thing to gracefully walk you through the collapse of a failed capitalist world burning to ashes in front of you. When it’s all said and done our music will elegantly grasp you and escort you through the excruciating, agonizing abyss that is forever known as the gates of hell.
Hello and Welcome To Acier Doux Tunisia . What could you tell our readers to introduce the sickened sounds of Dark Messiah ?
We bring a new version of metal inspired by 80’s and 90’s thrash. Bringing back a sound that kicks you in the teeth.”Â
I was surprised by your EP “Dark Messiah’’ the style is quite seriously extreme for the Thrash Groove Metal genre, and the content is also quite original. Perhaps I could say this EP is even a bit too much for myself on a matter of Destruction… Can you tell us more about it ?
 As a band we went for a sound and vibe that we believe would best suit what we are and what we represent. Thrash is our biggest inspiration but we wanted to bring our own unique flavour and take on it for our original songs. The topic of destruction is best understood if you look at the E.P as a whole and a story in itself. It’s a concept of a “Dark Messiah” being resurrected and overthrowing the world.Â
How long did it take to compose the EP ? Was it quite fast as the inspiration came in a few months, or did it take the course of years ?
The E.P took about 8 months to record. We had the songs written and were performing them live before the recording process even began. We didn’t intend for it to take so long but we went through 2 lineup changes in the midst of production which delayed the process more significantly than we originally anticipated.”Â
What could you say the readers to convince them throwing an ear or more on this debut EP ?Â
Jonathan :Â If you think you’d like a resurrection of thrash with a modern feel and groove that you don’t hear a lot in today’s contemporary styles of metal then this E.P is for you.Â
What’s your impression of  Thrash Groove fans ?Â
Jonathan :Â Metalheads are the most loyal fans in existence and thrash fans are the epitome of that. Metalheads don’t know prejudice. It doesn’t matter what race, colour or gender you are. In the pit everyone is equal and is a part of the family.Â
Do you think fans are at times unrealistic in terms of the type of sounds they want to be hearing from you all ?
Jonathan :Â Music is a form of art and therefor very subjective. People have their own tastes and opinions and no genre of music is a better example than metal. There’s no other style of music that is so divided into subgenres. Some people will exclude you for simply not being labelled into a certain sub category. We try to find our own style and sound in everything we do. At the end of the day you have to make the fans happy but there’s a fine line between keeping them happy and staying true to yourself as an artist.Â
So what is the situation with the Metal scene in your location ? How do you see the scene evolving through time ?
Winnipeg is a small city but we have a die hard fan base for metal. Unfortunately there are not a lot of other thrash bands here for us to play with but luckily the fans here are very open and love all styles of metal and will go to any show if it’s heavy. We’re fortunate enough that we can play with bands in other genres and everyone still has a great time.Â
What do you think , if I say that Im the only Dark Messiah fan in Tunisiaor maybe the only one ?
 Then we’d say that you’re going to have to help us book a show in Tunisiasometime. We want people from around the world to enjoy our music and experience our live show.Â
That’s about all I have for you today, unless you have any last words for your fans over at Acier doux ?
We’d like to say thank you for the interview and thanks to all our fans for the continued support. Without them our dreams couldn’t be possible. We must spread the love of metal. The scene is stronger united as one. Dark Messiah fans are our covenant, and because of their loyalty The Covenant grows everyday.Â
What will come for Dark Messiah in a close future ? You can unpack the list of merchandising if necessary. Thanks for the answers.
We will have our merch store up and running in the near future. We’ll have shirts, patches, stickers, pins and other kinds of merchandise fans will be able to purchase. We are touring Western Canada in the summertime and will be recording our first full length album sometime next year. Fans can connect with us and stay up to date on Dark Messiah news at:
Interviewer : Med Manef SlamaÂ
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