The band was born from the ashes of the Wraith’ sing, a project activated in 2006 whose founding members were Tiziano Hammerhead Sbaragli (Etrusgrave) and Tiziano Atreiu Chater (Ormgarth-former Imperium). After a break lasting 4 years, the two came together in the rehearsal room to compose new songs, with a more direct and less dispersed style than before. The result was a “primordial” heavy metal with fast and simple riffs, rhythmic impact, earsplitting high-notes and a powerful double bass drums.
Hailz and Welcome To Acier Doux ! For the readers who haven’t heard your music or never crossed your Band name in the infernal pits of the bestial and send your introducting of Angel Martyr?
Dario : Hello everyone! Angel Martyr was born as a parallel project of Tiziano Sbaragli (Etrusgrave singer). After several lineup changes, he met Dario Rosteni (bass) and Francesco Taddei (drums, ex Etrusgrave) and thought they were perfect to find a new band. His goal was to diversify the style of this new band from the Etrusgrave one and to give space to his fantasy and ideas. In 2013 we registered our first demo Angel Martyr, with which we started to play around Italy and abroad and after two years the second demo called Black Tales Prelude saw the light. During these years we have been focusing mainly on making experience on the stage, also with popular band such as Tygers of Pan Tang, Strana Officina, Blaze Bayley, Ironsword and Manilla Road. In these days our first full Black Book – Chapter One (Iron Shield Records) is coming out.
How would you exactly define Angel Martyr ‘ music as I have just ordered you to do so ?
Dario : Our music has many influences: from the most pure and classic heavy to speed shades, passing through power and epic. However, we like to define ourselves simply HEAVY METAL or as our label said POWERFULL EPIC HEAVY METAL. But it’s definitely too long.
Concerning this new album ‘’ Black Book: Chapter One’’, and in comparison with the Black Tales – Prelude EP, What did you guys change?
Dario : Actually, we didn’t change anything, since our first full is made by tracks from the first two demos, excepting one. With this album we wanted to give value to the songs that in our opinion deserved a studio recording and more attention. In addition, we had the opportunity to replay these tracks, adding particulars and being more grown-up and tight-knit.
Your lyrics are quite interesting. deals with the Fantasy, History, Battles …. Tell us more about your lyrics. Does the inspiration come during very particular conditions or in special places ?
Dario : Our texts are inspired mainly by our myths, thoughts and sleepless nights .
I wonder if you listen to your new release immediately after you finish it or do you give it some time before listening to it?
Dario : Usually we listen to what we recorded immediately. We listen to the tracks millions times either for punctiliousness either to see if the album was boring. Fortunately, it didn’t happened and we hope it won’t to our fans.
Is there anything that you would like to do differently, now that your album is finished ?
Dario : We have some logistical problems since our drummer is living abroad, so we had to record the album bases in tight times and without the changes possibility. Obviously, this can be an awkwardness, but we wouldn’t change anything.
I know that imagination is a vast field, but realism always comes to put a limit to it. Did you make any compromises in the creation of your new album? If yes, can you explain to us what kind of compromises you’ve made ?
Dario : We paid for our album recording so it is made according to our musical tastes. Our label Iron Shield appreciated it like that. We do what we love playing, without compromises. Of course we listen to advices and opinions from everyone, but we still do what we like.
Are you a band that works based on a plan or do you confront things as they come day by day ?
Dario :We would like to plan things, but for our work commitment often we have to solve unexpected problems and manage events day by day.
Which Metal albums do you listen to these days the most? Are there any new releases that you would like to recommend to us ?
Dario : Our music tastes are similar just a few. Tiziano (voice, guitar) focuses on Epic metal, Francesco (drums) likes also more modern styles and Dario (bass) listen to everything, also extreme metal. However, we shall recommend you some very good Italian underground bands such as: Etrusgrave (Epic metal), Profanal (Death metal), Axevyper (Heavy metal), Last Rebels (Heavy Rock’n’Roll), Rosae Crucis (Heavy metal), Vultures Vengeance (Psychedelic Heavy metal), Battle Ram (heavy metal), Chronic Hangover (Psychedelic doom).
What kind of merchandising do you currently have for sale ?
Dario : At the moment we sell our album Black Book – Chapter One in cd, T-shirt from this first gig and some sizes of the previous T-shirt.
Allright ! Tell us about your band Futuren! It’s time to conclude, so feel free to spit the last words, and do it an original way if possible, Thanks for the answers !
Dario :We hope to play a lot and in particular abroad, meet new people and have fun. It has been a pleasure answer to your questions, hope that your readers will approach to us and that they would like our music.
Interviewer : Med Manef Slama
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