Ritual Steel are the baby of drummer Martin Zellmer. In the middle of the nineties when he was still with RED/FIRE/RAIN , he had the idea to found a band which is absolutely different as everything what had come out up to now from Germany in Heavy Metal. Only in the middle of 2001 he had the first line up together and already recorded after a few weeks the first single (Orchid queen / Liquid steel) which was published then on the North German label Metal Supremacy.
Hello. How are you? How are things in Ritual Steel at the moment ?
 Martin : The recordings due to our release ” V”  are finally finished and the album will be actually mixed in the USA.  It will be definitely the last Ritual Steel  Album.
Would like us to talk a bit about your last  album „V “, Which were the difficulties that you had to confront during the songwriting and production process? Are you fully satisfied with this All ?
 Martin : I am really satisfied with the result, because it is the best RITUAL STEEL Album that we ever made. From the complexity, due to the arrangements until the songwriting and maturity. That this Album is on the top of the Ritual Steel releases shows also the good reviews that we´ve got from different magazines. And if you go without prejudice to the album and have your own opinion, you can at least look like .
On the Album  ” Immortal”  John was responsible for the lyric writing process and I was really satisfied with his work. I gave him the subjects and he built little stories out of it !
 Who writes the lyrics in the band ? Can you tell us which the lyrical theme of each song that you have included in your last  album is ?
 Martin : At the “Invincible Warriors” Album release I wrote the lyrics. At ”Immortal“ our singer John Cason was responsible for the lyrics ! The themes are about different things like Re-Animator“ deals with a Story about Dr.West, „Judgment Day“ deals about Justice, Satisfy you about Fates and welcome to the Metal Dead about Science Fiction.
So far what kind of reviews does your last album receive? Which is the best comment that you have received so far ?
 Martin : We got many good reviews. If you only look at Google or occasionally look at our Facebook page! Probably the best review came from the online Metal Page „Powermetal.de“! But also big magazines have praised our album ! only the loosers and ass-crawlers who have been caught up in school talk bad about our stuff .
 I wonder if Metal Fans still love what you are made ?
 Martin : I think the Metal Fans like our stuff as well ! The sale figures are not bad and also we got a lot of offers from record labels! Our Album are at big mailorders, which are otherwise specialized for books or TVs ! Our singer John see our records always at the Wallmart or Kmart, if he goes shopping in Arizona. Our Label „Killer Metal Records“ looking forward for our new Album !<
 Are you touring soon ?
 Martin : No ! We are sadly not an ass-powdered Yuppi child! We have already received certain inquirie , but the offers were unfortunately almost a joke ! Our singer lives in the USA and therefore it is not so easy to realize a tour! But a tour offer should be at least fair! Even if we had a German singer, these offers would have been a joke! We do not even want to make a profit! Other bands are unfortunately the same! The scene is more apparent than being fair There will certainly be some gigs! We promise! But I think a Tour is not realizable!
What bands and or musicians at a younger age influenced your style of play?
 Martin : My biggest influences in the drumming were Ross Christao (drummer of the first THRUST album) and Steve Wittig (Omen) ! John Cason’s biggest influence is Bruce Dickinson and our guitarist Sven Boege has many influences from different musicians ! He studied music in Vienna and New Youk and is a bandleader! His band is called IVORY TOWER ! They play Progressive Metal and have been playing albums for almost 20 years! With our guitarist we record everything with RITUAL STEEL since 2005 !
Can you describe Ritual Steel in two words ?
 Martin : Idealistic Metal .
 Do you have an idea about Tunisian Metal scene ? what you think about Acier Doux Works ?
 Martin : Unfortunately, I don´t know anything about the Tunisian Metal scene! I am a fan of the 80th US POWER METAL and the NWOBHM ! But good heavy metal can come from anywhere ! If you have good bands in my interest, then send me a sample! And I wish you all the best with your management especially in the Tunisian metal scene !
Tell me abvout Ritual Steel  future and your New project ?
 Martin : The next RITUAL STEEL album “V” will be released by Killer Metal Records this summer! It will definitely be our last album !
I have a new project called THE GRAVE OF HADES! It is a mixture of (of course) RITUAL STEEL, but also with many Doom and Stoner influences! Somehow it sounds even more like 70s Sound ! 5 songs I have already finished! And from autumn I would like to begin the recording! But I’m hoping for a small vinyl edition! I know a stamping press that squeezes at least 50 pieces very cheap! Just take a look. Let yourself be surprised !
Thanks for your time answering my questions. I wish you all the best. Please close the interview in any way you like…
 Martin : Thank you for your loyal support ! I wish you and your management all the best! In Metal We Trust! Death To All False Metalheads ! Fuck Off And Die !
Interviewer : Â SpeedSkullsCrusherÂ
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