Mindy Jackson-King is  the Lead Singer / Songwriter of 18 Days Band and proud  member of the Georgia Metal Allianceâ„¢ International H.M.C. (Heavy Metal Club) , She is talking about her Band and more things ….
Q1.Hello Mindy . How are you?
A1. I’m doing very well. Thank you for asking. The past year was our best yet.Â
Q2. Â Recently 18 days Band have released a new album. How do you feel about it? Which are your expectations?
A2. I’m extremely hopeful for the year to come. We’re expecting our fans to like this album even more than the last because it’s heavier and more personal than the first album.Â
Q3 How long did it take you to compose and produce the album? Were all the songs  included here written in the same period or in different moments of your career?Â
A3. We wrote the album over the course of about 9 months so they are all new songs.
Q4 Which are the things that inspired for the new album? Which do you consider as your influences?
A4. I write real life stories about people I know, or sometimes even my own life experiences because I find it easier to connect to the music
Q5. Â by the way will you do any live shows to promote the album?Â
A5. Yes, we plan to book an entire set of dates to solely promote the cd this year
Q6 .So far what kind of reviews does your album receive? Which is the best comment that you have received so far?
A6. So far only good reviews, thankfully. The best compliment so far is that we have progressed on a large scale, which means the world to us. We want to keep getting better so that we can keep writing better music
Q7 . Do you liked acier Doux Metal Managament and Promotions Tunisia last Review ?
A7. Yes! Acier Doux is very in touch with music today. Their reviews are always very informative and very supportiveÂ
Q8 . Can you tell us about GMA support ?
A8. The GMA has been a second family to us. The have supported us and been there through everything. We’re extremely appreciative and thankful to be a part of something so amazing
Q9.  Thanks for your time answering my questions ! I wish you the best of luck and please close the interview in a way you like…
A9. We would just like to thank anyone who has ever supported 18 Days, GMA, or Acier Doux! We couldn’t do this without you!! Peace, Love, and Heavy Metal
Interviewer Khadija LatrechÂ
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