Raouf Jelassi : vocals , Lyricist
Nawather is a Tunisian Metal Oriental band founded in 2013. They provide us a special kind of music. Apart from their influence by many well-known occidental figures ,they are among the first who choose to marry Qanun, the king of Arabic instruments, to metal music. This instrument tends to play an indelible part in the Tunisian classical music called “malouf”. Nawather offers a music which smoothly alternates between authentic and western music .Such a cultural encounter is fostered by a harmonious duet between vocals : a female doing the clean voice and a male vocal performing the growl. The harshness of growl and guitars are contrasted to the melodic contribution of the Qanun and female vocal. The first album ” Wasted Years” is an opportunity to have an exquisite taste of an orchestration made by tunisian professional people in the music field. The songs represent a unique mixture of impeccable sounds with profound lyrics that fits the theme conveyed by the album.
I have always had a special interest in Nawather Music as a Tunisian Band can makes me proud of it and the guys who actually try to make an original statement…
Truth be told, the Album is a completely great well done : there are so many elements to be appreciated here! I could mention, as a start, the multiple vocals performs, nurtured of course by a considerable number of back vocalists. As it usually occurs with this type of work, that variety gives the record a rather special flavor if you know what I mean.
Music work is in general pretty decent. It sort of leads the whole line of the composition, and there’s a couple highlights I’ll let you, dear expert banger, to find out; let’s just say even this kind of metal can use breakdowns, furthermore, in a quite intelligent way.
Just as a curiosity, the release I got (Scarecrow Records) also includes the Paradise Lost cover, “Merci”. Well accomplished for me. As a matter of’act, the mentioned version of the album, is actually a double feature which includes the so mentioned classic, “Sahara”. I haven’t had the time to check that one out…
While most folk acts are trying to make their way with mediocre clichéd catchy tunes, Wasted Years rather goes for integrating Middle Eastern stuff, complex almost Oriental Metal music, and a strong commitment to their roots. Also, when it comes to subject of fusion, that’s what you get , Nawather is a honored Band from what they are doing and I want send Greetigs to Raouf Jelassi where he is a good band mate and very talend artist !!
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